Managing Products
Product Manager
Here you are going to experience the most powerful eCommerce store product manager ever.
You will have all flexible options to add/modify your store products.
- Regular & Sale Price
- Sales price scheduling
- Featured & Gallery image
- Category & Tags
- Any custom product taxonomy will be auto-supported
- Shipping
- Inventory
- Tax
- Attributes
- Cross/Up sell products
- Advanced options
You can add/edit almost all type of WC products using this. Supported product types are:
- Simple
- Variable
- Downloadable
- Simple/Variable Subscription
- Virtual
Beside different product types you will also have a long list of third-party plugin support:
- Barcode
- MSRP Pricing
- Product tabs lite
- Per Product Shipping
You can even create your own Google Map and make them associate with your products in the most easiest way.
SitePal also has in-build Product Importer-Exporter. You will be able import/export your products.
Products Listing
To view products that have been created, go to Products in Dashboard left menu. At the top of this screen you can view the standard filter and search area. A list of products appears in order of date made:
You can:
- Filter by status using the status links at the top
- Filter by category
- Filter by the product types
- Search
At the far right of each product are actions you can perform on the row:
- View
- Edit
- Duplicate
- Featured Mark
- Delete
You also have some useful options at top right of the screen:
- Add New Product
- Product Export
- Product Import